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Recent Publications Links and Information

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There have been some recent publications of which are of interest to the ASA community, please find details and links to these publications below:

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Good Practice Guidance

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Good Practice Guide has been published on the ADEPT website: Strategic flood risk assessment good practice guide | ADEPT (

The guide is one of the outputs from the research project Using flood risk information in spatial planning. This project analysed policy, guidance and strategic assessment documents to review how information on all flood sources is used in spatial planning to achieve good outcomes for flood risk management, and how that might be improved. The findings have been used to update guidance for producing and using strategic flood risk assessments.

FCERM Governance

The Environment Agency have published outputs from the research project ‘understanding effective flood and coastal erosion risk governance (FCERM) in England and Wales’. This includes:

  • A report assessing the effectiveness of FCERM governance in England and Wales, plus summary slides.
  • A report on supporting FCERM through partnership working, including 5 case study examples, plus summary slides.
  • A self-assessment framework for measuring the effectiveness of partnership governance arrangements.
  • 3 ‘journey planners’ providing practical guidance on partnership governance for FCERM and water management. Themes include: legitimate partnerships; internal partnership dynamics; cross-sectoral coordination and integration.

Strategic surface water management and SuDS

Defra has published the research project: Assessment of how strategic surface water management informs Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) delivery through the planning system. The report, research summary, slidepack and dissemination video are available on Defra’s Science Search:


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