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ASA – Lunch and Learn – Friday 11 September 12:30 – Road Runoff and Water Quality

ASA invites members to join a Microsoft Teams meeting on Friday 11th September with:

  • George Warren, Project Manager, Greater London Authority
  • John Bryden, Senior Programmes Manager River Improvements, Thames21
  • Charles Snead, Principal Policy Advisor, Transport for London
  • Jamie Kukadia, SuDS Officer, London Borough of Enfield

In 2019 the Mayor of London partnered with the Environment Agency and Transport for London (TfL) to fund Thames21 and Middlesex University with other key parties including the Zoological Society of London, Thames Water and South East Rivers Trust, to develop a new model, which uses the numbers and types of vehicles to predict the amount of pollution deposited on roads and the potential degree of damage to our rivers.

The study has identified those roads that have the greatest potential to contribute towards pollution in London’s rivers to help identify the best locations for interventions to address pollution deposits. It has informed further work by the GLA and partners to identify the most appropriate type of roadside sustainable drainage systems and new opportunities for constructed wetland creation.

Our panel will provide an overview on the project, its outcomes, the potential for replication across the country and how the outputs may be used in our own work as LLFAs in promoting and planning for sustainable drainage improvements.  The presentations will comprise of 40 to 45 minutes followed by a question and answer session.

In order to set up the Microsoft Teams meeting invite please RSVP to by Friday 4th September 2020.  You are welcome to share the invite with other colleagues who are ASA members.

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