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Evaluating climate change impacts using Flood Modeller

Virtual Event

Join Adam Parkes, Head of Discipline for Hydrology at Jacobs, to learn how Flood Modeller enables you to confidently understand flood risk and develop optimal solutions to manage the impacts of climate change. How climate change affects multiple sources of…


Urban Drainage Group Training Day 2022

Virtual Event

How do we design urban drainage to be resilient and manage the risk of exceedance? This year’s CIWEM UDG training day will be held over two days, 16-17 March. The topic we will be covering is exceedance: as engineers, environmentalists,…


Bioretention Research & Practise – Outcomes & impacts of 3 year collaboration research project (Urban Green DaMS)

CIRIA Griffin Court, 15 Long Lane, London, Warwickshire

This free event, hosted by The University of Sheffield and Newcastle University, will provide insight into the outcomes and impacts of a three-year collaborative research project (Urban Green DaMS) to improve design parameters for biofilters/raingardens. Limited places to in-person event…

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